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ISPConfig Bugfix und GDPR Release 3.1.12

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Die Entwickler des beliebten Server-Control-Panels, ISPConfig, haben heute das Release 3.1.12 veröffentlicht. Neben diversen Bugfixes wurden auch Änderungen bzgl. der aktuellen GDPR bzw. Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), eingeführt. So können IP-Adressen nun anonymisiert werden. Ebenso wurde die Logrotate-Funktion, Logs nur noch 10 Tage statt 30 Tage vorgehalten, entsprechend angepasst.

Weitere Änderungen sind bzgl. PHP, Statistiken, MySQL, E-Mail, Backup und Let’s Encrypt erfolgt. Details zu den 42 geschlossenen Fällen:

ISPConfi 3.1.12 Release Notes

  • refers to hard coded php version causing 502 errors
  • If you have PHP 7 but not PHP 5 – apps vhost doesn’t work. It checks for mod_php5 but works with either – so check for either.
  • LE cert problem in mirror setups
  • Issue with deleting website backup
  • Backup not downloadable on multiserver instance (slave)
  • DMARC doesn’t work with php >= 7.0
  • Directory /tmp not allowed as backup temp dir
  • Wrong homedir in jailed /etc/passwd
  • Filesystem usage not show correctly when lvm logical volume is too long
  • wrong dkim-strength with domain module enabled
  • unability to insert into sys_log is an iterative tipping point, stalling systems
  • awstat wrong path in nginx config on vhosts 
  • Deleting client doesn’t delete its cron jobs
  • Remote API – APS Install does not return instance ID
  • mysql port not used in installation
  • Email transport type disappeared
  • Remote API call fails with IDS security error
  • Redirect breaks LetsEncrypt issue/renew
  • [Mailman] False URL on the moderation page
  • [3.1-stable] importing DNS records, NS not imported and SOA NS field is wrong
  • Add function to disable website logs
  • Add support for IP anonymization in logs
  • Add support for utf8mb4 charset in MySQL database form
  • Update Logrotate functions for GDPR
  • Add Ubuntu 18.04 support
  • PHP IDS Error Spam
  • Remove rkhunter update function
  • Very slow MySQL Queries in mail_[user|forward|alias]_edit.php
  • Invalid client_id when adding CP user
  • Changing regex for dns_ns to allow delegating LE requests to seperate nameservers
  • stats Folder created even when Statistics set to none
  • Enable proxy rewrite support [P] for apache servers
  • Problem with https in url cron items
  • request: not forward spam to external mailbox
  • Cron url doesn’t allow underscore _ in domain name
  • Domain zone serial not updated when adding rr via remote API
  • gentoo: {server_id} not replaced for dovecot sql in install/dist/lib/gentoo.lib.php
  • adjust install/dist/tpl/gentoo/amavisd-ispconfig.conf.master
  • chroot cronjob for websites with no shell-user fails to create the right environment
  • DNS API call to bump serial
  • [Solution] Letsencrypt use in „proxy“ vhost
  • Enable support for HTTP2 protocol in IspConfig3 site templates


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