Die Open-Source Firewall, OPNsense, erhielt vor wenigen Tagen das Security und Bugfix Update 19.1.1. Dieses schließt eine Lücke die mittels Cross-Site-Scripting ausgenutzt werden könnte, sodass dieses Update umgehend installiert werden sollte. Weiterhin wird die Python Library aktualisiert, siehe auch CVE-2018-18074.
OPNsense 19.1.1 Release Notes
- system: address XSS-prone escaping issues[1]
- firewall: add port range validation to shaper inputs
- firewall: drop description validation constraints
- interfaces: DHCP override MTU option (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- interfaces: properly configure SIM PIN on custom modems
- reporting: prevent cleanup from deleting current data when future data exists
- ipsec: allow same local subnet if used in different phase 1 (contributed by Max Weller)
- openvpn: multiple client export fixes
- web proxy: add ESD files to Windows cache option (contributed by R-Adrian)
- plugins: os-acme-client 1.20[2]
- plugins: os-dyndns fix for themed colours (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- plugins: os-etpro-telemetry 1.1 adds random delay to telemetry data send
- plugins: os-nginx 1.7[3]
- plugins: os-rspamd reads DKIM keys via Redis (contributed by Garrod Alwood)
- plugins: os-theme-cicada 1.14 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- plugins: os-theme-tukan 1.13 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- ports: ca_root_nss 3.42.1
- ports: lighttpd 1.4.53[4]
- ports: py-request 2.21.0[5]
Quelle: https://opnsense.org/opnsense-19-1-1-released/
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