Das Entwickler Team von WordPress hat das Sicherheits und Bugfix Release 5.4.1 veröffentlicht. Das Maintenance Releaseschließt 7 Sicherheitslücken und behebt mindestens 17 Fehler.
WordPress 5.4.1 Security Release Notes
- Props to Muaz Bin Abdus Sattar and Jannes who both independently reported an issue where password reset tokens were not properly invalidated
- Props to ka1n4t for finding an issue where certain private posts can be viewed unauthenticated
- Props to Evan Ricafort for discovering an XSS issue in the Customizer
- Props to Ben Bidner from the WordPress Security Team who discovered an XSS issue in the search block
- Props to Nick Daugherty from WordPress VIP / WordPress Security Team who discovered an XSS issue in
- Props to Ronnie Goodrich (Kahoots) and Jason Medeiros who independently reported an XSS issue in file uploads.
- Props to Weston Ruter for fixing a stored XSS vulnerability in the WordPress customizer.
- Additionally, an authenticated XSS issue in the block editor was discovered by Nguyen the Duc in WordPress 5.4 RC1 and RC2. It was fixed in 5.4 RC5. We wanted to be sure to give credit and thank them for all of their work in making WordPress more secure.
Quelle: https://wordpress.org/news/2020/04/wordpress-5-4-1/
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