Das Zertifikat für App Proxy Verbindugn von Enterprise Apps im Azure AD läuft jährlich aus. Ich habe dieses aktualisiert und mittels nachfolgenden Script nochmal geprüft, wie der Status ist und ob ich ggf. eine Enterprise App vergessen habe:
Script gefunden auf: Paul Farris’s Blog – Article die Installation des AzureAD Modul habe ich einfach hinzugefügt:
# List Azure AD Enterprise Apps with expired SSL certificates
Install-Module AzureAD #only if not installed, run before
Import-Module AzureAD
try {
$var = Get-AzureADTenantDetail
catch [Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.AadNeedAuthenticationException] {
$aadapServPrinc = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Top 100000 | where-object {$_.Tags -Contains "WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryOnPremApp"}
Write-Host "Reading Azure AD applications..."
$allApps = Get-AzureADApplication -Top 100000
Write-Host "Reading applications..."
$aadapApp = $aadapServPrinc | ForEach-Object { $allApps -match $_.AppId}
$count = $aadapApp.count
Write-Host ("$count apps found")
$expired = 0
foreach ($item in $aadapApp) {
$appname = $item.DisplayName
$tempApps = Get-AzureADApplicationProxyApplication -ObjectId $item.ObjectId
$url = $tempApps.ExternalUrl
$cert = $tempApps.VerifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata
$ssl = $cert.SubjectName
if($cert -ne $null){
$issuedate = $cert.IssueDate
$expirydate = $cert.ExpiryDate
$ed=[Datetime] $expirydate
Write-Host ("")
Write-Host ("App: $appname")
Write-Host ("External Url: $url")
Write-Host ("SSL Name: $ssl")
Write-Host ("Issue Date: $issuedate")
if($ed -lt (Get-Date)) {
Write-Host ("Expiry Date: $expirydate (EXPIRED)") -ForegroundColor "Red"
$expired = $expired + 1
else {
Write-Host ("Expiry Date: $expirydate") -ForegroundColor "Green"
#Write-Host ("$tempapps") -ForegroundColor "Gray"
Write-Host ("")
Write-Host ("Finished. $expired expired.")
Write-Host ("")
Thats it … Have Fun!
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