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Fireworks Mania Update v2022.9.6


Entwickler Laumania ApS hat ein neues Update für den Feuerwerks Simulator Fireworks Mania veröffentlicht.



  • Added „Wind effect“ to all fireworks and various smoke in the game. The wind effect is very subtle and mainly affect smoke, but it adds a nice little touch to the game. It is dependent on the weather in the map, so the wind is a bit stronger in Ranch than in City and Town. For now the wind direction is always the same, but that might change in the future
  • Added a „dev console“ (opens via key ‚½‘, on my keyboard, but it’s the one right above TAB and left to 1 key. The classic console key 😉 ). This is primarily for modders and more advanced users, as it have various commands to change things in the game. However, for regular players it provides a quick way to see the log of the game, instead of having to look in the player.log. Type in ‚help‘ to get started, what you might be mostly interested in are the commands prefixed with „fm-“ as that is Fireworks Mania specific commands, for instance for playing a sound, respawn the player etc. More commands will be added over time
  • Added feature to allow mods to have „StartupPrefab“(s). This means mod creators can now have logic run when map is loaded and also run in the background. I will create a video about this for mod creators on how to use this
  • Added version number to loading scene and ingame menu, so its easier to see what version you are on


  • Changed the sky and lighting of the environment in maps a little to make it look a bit better
  • Changed the explosion effect of propane tanks to have a lot more smoke and a better looking effect (smoke just add a nice touch to the feeling of mayhem)
  • Removed the (hopefully) last 4th of July decorations that I missed. Thanks JoGaming for letting me know


  • Fixed spelling/gramma mistake in City billboard
  • Fixed bug that have hunted me for a long time where fog color wouldn’t update correctly as time of day changed
  • Fixed throwing force UI getting stuck on screen if holding item was despawned
  • Fixed missing ambient sound after Enviro Sky fix

For the nerds

  • Upgraded to Unity v2021.3.9f1. As a regular player you don’t have to care about this, but for more techy players, it might the interesting to know as upgrading the engine itself often comes with bug fixed and better performance for the game. The reason I haven’t upgraded Unity version for a long time is due to a GPU/Particle bug, where particles would flicker and it looked awful. Unity fixed that now. I try to update Unity version as often as possible, as it gets harder and harder to do if you wait and long term we will miss out on new Unity features etc
  • Upgraded various asset packages

Known issues

  • The glowing yellow box that indicates where a fuse is connected, is not so glowing in mods build with older version of the Mod Tools. I have tried to figure out how to fix this, but it haven’t been possible so far, so we have to live with this for now. It works for all build-in fireworks and fireworks build with the new version of the Mod Tools

Quelle: Steam-News-Hub (

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