Die Open-Source Firewall OPNsense erhielt das Update 22.7.10 und das Hotfix 22.7.10_2. Das Update bringt zusätzliche Änderungen und Support für RADIUS User Creation. Das neue große Update 23.1 wurde zudem zum 26.1.2023 angekündigt.
OPNsense 22.7.10 Release Notes
- system: add group (class) sync and user creation for RADIUS authentication
- system: show and search ACL endpoints in privilege selector
- system: replace a number of log_error() calls with log_msg() equivalent
- system: improve SSH lockout behaviour
- firewall: sates page performance improvements and better address parsing in search
- firewall: reuse „hostid“ on filter reload events
- ipsec: allow to search all phase 2 entries via API call
- openvpn: remove unused „pool_enable“ attribute
- unbound: introduce blocklist module changes for upcoming 23.1
- unbound: fix log message blocklist item count (contributed by kulikov-a)
- unbound: also change working dir for unbound-checkconf in start script (contributed by kulikov-a)
- ui: unicode content for tokenizer (contributed by kulikov-a)
- plugins: os-clamav 1.8[1]
- plugins: os-ddclient IPv6 parsing fix[2]
- plugins: os-rfc2136 1.7 fixes key format issue with latest bind-tools update
- plugins: os-theme-cicada 1.31 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- plugins: os-theme-vicuna 1.43 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- plugins: os-wireguard post-start hook improvement for interface grouping
- ports: curl 7.86.0[3]
- ports: dnsmasq 2.88[4]
- ports: nss 3.86[5]
- ports: phalcon 5.1.2[6]
- ports: phpseclib 3.0.18[7]
- ports: phyton 3.9.16[8]
OPNsense Hotfix 22.7.10_2
- ipsec: default log should be set to „basic“ but PHP 8 disagreed
- unbound: fix missing query_reply property leading to an AttributeError
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