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Oxygen Not Included Update 552078

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Entwickler Klei Entertaiment hat das Update 552078 veröffentlicht.

Oxygen Not Included Patch-Notes


All Versions

  • Added “Blastshot” subentry to “Meteor Blaster” database entry.
  • The availability of Klei Rewards website items no longer triggers any notifications in game. In-game skin notifications are now limited to playtime-based drops.
  • Updated Chinese, Russian, and Korean localizations.

Spaced Out! Only

  • Added “Interplanetary Payload” subentry to “Interplanetary Payload Launcher” database entry.


All Versions

  • Fixed bug causing Ancient Specimen story trait to reveal some unrelated locations on activation.
  • Fixed an issue with the build tool when using the drag straight modifier.

Quelle: Oxygen Not Included: Steam-News-Hub (

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