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POSTAL 4: No Regerts Update 1.1.2


Entwickler Running With Scissors hat das Update 1.1.2 für Postal 4:No Regerts veröffentlicht.

Postal 4 Patch-Notes:


  • New Beggar Sign Select UI as well as updated cardboard sign text!
  • Key Icons for Krotchy Tips and weapon / item hints!
  • More pickups and NPCs throughout various levels!
  • Ghost Town <-> Shanty Town Zap Zone!
  • One handed reload animations for Kart!
  • New Nitro indicator!
  • New Kevlar / SiC models!
  • Physics pass!
  • More, more interactables! Objects such as coin machines, instruments, hand dryers and so on will now have some level of interactability!
  • Highly requested PIII Gloves to Dude’s outfit!
  • New bystander animations and states!
  • (Pulling out their phones to record, stunned, bumped into, begging and more!) For example, you will now notice when an NPC is injured as they’ll have unique movement cycles
  • New Going POSTAL Challenges throughout Edensin! (Rock Smasher, Bulls-eye in Ghost Town)
  • Dropkick! Simply run, jump and kick to knock down NPCs!
  • Progress bar to the Muck Mopper side-errand!
  • A lot of third-person animations to various weapons!
  • Third-Person Swimming and Climbing animations!
  • Plenty of decoration textures, billboards, etc. to levels across the game!
  • Screen blood splatter for close range hits!
  • NPCs dropping items properly! If an NPC carries more than five items, they will be converted into a backpack pickup, this includes regular items as well as weapons
  • Unique HUD cosmetic for the Sexy Outfit!
  • Reflex Sight support for the M60!
  • Dual wielding support for the Scissors!
  • Music and ambient sounds to previously empty / silent areas!
  • Working mirrors!

Changed / Improved

  • Reworked the Shovel to perform more closely to Postal 2
  • Improved and polished all cutscenes in the game that had issues
  • Improved Border Smuggler errand
  • Improved Pump Room section of the Sewer errand
  • Improved reflections in various areas especially the Prison
  • Removed the impulse absorption so kicks, bullets, and explosions and move ragdolls around
  • Replaced various placeholder Kunny Island textures
  • Improved audio sync in cutscenes
  • Made various navigation improvements
  • Improved lighting in Affluent area
  • Improved waypoint behavior: Clicking on the map after placing a waypoint will now remove it
  • Adjusted Scooter Time Trial times
  • Cops will now drop handcuffs upon death
  • Improved the rock climbing area in Kunny Island. Added a unique mesh that’s climbable with a new Going POSTAL Challenge on top of it
  • Improved the first person unarmed sprint animation
  • Polished a lot of the third-person animations, added scooter dual-wielding animations
  • Disabled ability to dual wield Ticketing Device…
  • Removed the „Hold E to get on vehicle“
  • Improved the interior of Cock Asian
  • NPC footsteps will now react to dirt, wood and metal
  • Game Dev Nerd now will sometimes say something when Dude pees in VR
  • Added Krotchy hint about ability to destroy doors with Sledgehammer in Crypto building
  • Special outfits will now also be a part of the Clothes Bag item to prevent confusion
  • Made sure old saves work with the cosmetic items that have been removed
  • Hid unrelated errand markers when going into a “dungeon” area of Treasure Hunter
  • Corrected many non-working, incorrectly assigned, and unassigned dialog lines
  • Reduced redundant dialog lines for better optimization
  • Goats and Pigs will now have more idle sounds as they walk
  • Tweaked Reflex Sight LOD so it doesn’t look as horrific in FirstPerson view
  • Removed several duplicate checkpoints in Prison which will get rid of the small stutters when entering cell blocks
  • Improved the projectiles a bit which should make them more reliably apply physics to ragdolls
  • The VR widget machines will now have music so they are not dead silent
  • Optimized first person animations
  • Added a Rewards texture icon that will appear in a Krotchy Tip which mentions redeeming plushies for rewards
  • Visually improved a lot of areas in maps, from Residential to Kunny Island
  • Changed direction of some mansion interior doors for better movement
  • Improved a ton of product textures
  • Adjusted Mall audio
  • Improved the look of decals, especially in Mexico side
  • Made Bums and Sewer Hobos ignore Offroad and Grass restrictions so they can roam freely
  • in their outlying areas as intended
  • Added new squash sounds when NPCs are killed by the boulder, they also scream now too
  • Improved quality of Wipe Compound map texture
  • Improved the look of the whole area that leads to the Penitentiary
  • Overhauled Sign Beggar dialog lines, now correctly set up
  • Improved collision of more models
  • Improved the look of rampage trigger descriptions, text will now wrap which will take care of an issue with long descriptions going off screen
  • Minor pickup placement tweaks throughout whole world tile
  • Added graffiti to the Prison facade that appears starting Tuesday after the riot. Turned off some lights on prison facade starting Tuesday, hence it looks derelict after the riot
  • Simplified the Sledgehammer and Mallet removal code to fix some bugs
  • Updated unarmed turning animation
  • When you let go of the skip cutscene button, widget will only disappear if progress bar depletes all the way down to 0%. It will no longer stay on screen for the full duration of a cutscene
  • Improved Cat Dude UI, added a button hint for urethra
  • Improved lip sync animations
  • Handcuffing NPCs during the Prison mission will now have a chance for the Warden to pester you about doing a pacifist run
  • Disabled long bystander conversation lead out lines
  • Improved / Polished a lot of third-person animations
  • Unlocked a couple of doors in the Dark Lodge
  • Updated music and ambient sounds in most areas
  • Reduced volume of the ads on the Edensin Radio station to balance with the music and DJ banter
  • Adjusted NPC wait time for Petition
  • Adjusted the collision of a ground mesh in Shanty Town that was causing the Dude to float a bit
  • Prison Warden audio improvements in tutorial section
  • Replaced some NPC routine animations
  • Blocked off Lost City until Friday
  • NPCs will be much less likely to spam „decide to fight“ line
  • VR level changes: Little bot will now have music in its menu screen at the end of the run.
  • When the menu is now opened and closed for both there is a sound attached. When player reaches room at end of violent run music resets to calm music
  • Spaced out lockers in the tutorial section of Prison Warden errand to have better access to pickups
  • Smoothed the transition between normal and third person dual wielding animations
  • Adjusted volume of grocery store music to be louder
  • Breaking the windows on the Police Station will now play the police station music
  • Added missing zap-zones
  • When hitting the dummy with a Padded Baton the Warden will now give banter on being pacifist
  • Thrown Sledgehammer and Mallet are now automatically equipped if you have empty hands when picked up
  • Adjusted the foot to have the same screen presence as POSTAL 2’s
  • Improved the reliability of the kick on ragdolls and gibs
  • Implemented sprinting animations for all weapons
  • Player homing rockets will now lead their target


  • Some lockers not having collision in Prison
  • Annoying “disco” NPCs
  • Boss NPCs not having damage immunities implemented properly
  • Bugged NPC pathfinding around Pistolas y Tacos
  • Pigeons not flying around in the Penthouse boss room
  • Various Going POSTAL Challenges not spawning additional NPCs
  • Clothes Bag not appearing in Items Wheel
  • Weapon swapping button
  • HUD bug where a magazine counter was displayed for the Scissors
  • Odd deformations for classic/robe dude torso
  • Phone Screen sometimes not accepting any inputs other than ESC
  • Being able to pick up Gas Cans when full of Gasoline
  • First Person sleeve clipping with Gas Can animations
  • Puke splash particle looking a bit janky
  • Boss Health Bars not disappearing when transitioning from one zone to another
  • Final boss music janking out if you threw too many Pigeons at him
  • Issues when entering and exiting VR world
  • El Plago spawning before Peso Payback errand on Friday
  • Weapon Wheel button not switching between the Hands and the last weapon used
  • Desert Eagle aim view offset being slightly off
  • Buggy Going POSTAL Challenge in Riverside tile
  • Offset on Dilbow and Grenade suicide
  • Police Uniform not using the correct „clothes changed“ dialogue
  • Rats not making any sounds when dying
  • Wanted Meter not increasing as quickly as it should
  • Few doors opening in wrong direction
  • P350 and Dilbow not being added to certain loadouts
  • Scooter speed on low FPS
  • Bidet Petition errand showing up during POSTAL / Impossible and related difficulty modes
  • Third person aiming code hitting things behind the player
  • Music not shutting off when pausing during Fix Race errand
  • Painting frames for Art Dealer side-errand having interact prompts
  • Fire Station onlookers not spawning correctly
  • Going POSTAL Challenge music turning off all other music after completing it
  • Positioning of phone models in NPCs hands
  • Fixed pillar sounds not respecting reverb during Treasure Hunter errand
  • Certain cheats that could be triggered without requiring /sissy
  • Helicopters not disappearing upon explosion and flame particles staying floating in the air
  • Janky third-person perspective when scoping in with Sniper Rifle
  • Toilet water sometimes not turning yellow when you piss in the bowl
  • Dude completed line when completing Fix Race errand by getting the red scooter to win not correctly using the chosen Dude voice option
  • Getting stuck in BDSM basement due to keypad status not sticking after loading a save
  • Collision in a couple houses in Border level that were blocking the windows
  • A lot of unusable ladders
  • Handcuff item in Vending Machine
  • Pressing ESC while in the map causing a waypoint to be added
  • Some ATMs not spitting out money
  • Nigh-Impossible difficulty not being nigh-ly as impossible as advertised
  • NPC reactions to Dead rats and other animals
  • Ragdolls flying into the air when killed with the weapon wheel open
  • Players sometimes not respawning correctly after final errand
  • Crashes related to some of the Going POSTAL Challenges
  • Weapon attachments not getting bloody or poopy
  • Stairs disappear too close in Industrial tile
  • Untextured assets in The Mall
  • Various issues with boltons clipping
  • Waypoint connection between Residential and Zag tiles
  • Foot not getting poopy and/or bloody
  • Russian subtitles
  • Beggar Sign and Bidet Petition breaking door windows…
  • Krotchy Tip notification sound playing during loading screens sometimes
  • Issue with Apocalypse not triggering after leaving via south exit of shanty town
  • Being able to access L4 zap zones with scooter
  • A ton of world escape bugs
  • Drag outfit clipping with Pistol and P350
  • Zap zone blockers not appearing correctly after defeating final boss
  • Auto equipping Grenades or Molotovs when loading a save
  • Unloaded props in Mexican shop
  • Wall asset extruding through wall of High Seas hotel
  • P3 Dude glasses looking jank
  • Misaligned sitting POI in the Mall
  • Fixed various issues with the Cheats Menu
  • M16’s appearance when using sights with cosmetics
  • Untextured arm and janky blood material outside Spike’s doghouse
  • Floating Rocket Launcher pickup in Industrial crane Rattler puzzle
  • Being able to fall through the map in Riverside behind Taco Shop
  • Player being able to pickup melee weapons you already have
  • Unreachable Golden Larry doll on Ghost Town church roof. It’s been now moved below the church
  • Various holes in maps
  • Glass on doors breaking from things like Urine and Gasoline
  • Invisible prop/blocking volume in “Grove Street” (Commercial level)
  • AK not cutting legs off on a killing shot
  • Muddy texture on ground in front of Mike J mansion
  • Subtitles in VR errand
  • An empty void when trying to go from Ghost Town to Shanty Town
  • Race assignments on all chameleon skin textures. Lack of bystander variety, incorrect race voice assignment, etc. now addressed
  • Bug where stationary projectiles overlapping with NPCs didn’t explode properly
  • Officer’s face in Pay Fine intro
  • Spurt’n’Squirt 9000 not using unique canister skins for different ammo types
  • Machete not having a default cosmetic class set up
  • Mallet being unretrievable when the Pawn is on all fours
  • Missing Tools R Us ladder
  • Offset on Gas Can firing animation
  • Janky water shaders in Dark Lodge
  • Voting machines clipping through booths

Quelle: POSTAL 4: No Regerts: Steam-News-Hub (

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