Diese Meldung erhielt ich bei der Installation von Perl Modulen unter Debian. Zuvor habe ich ein funktionierendes Debian 11 Bullseye auf Debian 12 Bookworm aktualisiert.
Starting with version 2.29 of the cpan shell, a new download mechanism
is the default which exclusively uses cpan.org as the host to download
from. The configuration variable pushy_https can be used to (de)select
the new mechanism. Please read more about it and make your choice
between the old and the new mechanism by running
o conf init pushy_https
Die Lösung ist wie folgt:
# cpan
cpan[3]>o conf init pushy_https
Boolean. Defaults to true. If this option is true, the cpan shell will
use https://cpan.org/ to download stuff from the CPAN. It will fall
back to http://cpan.org/ if it can't handle https for some reason
(missing modules, missing programs). Whenever it falls back to the
http protocol, it will issue a warning.
If this option is true, the option C<urllist> will be ignored.
Consequently, if you want to work with local mirrors via your own
configured list of URLs, you will have to choose no below.
Do you want to turn the pushy_https behaviour on? [yes] yes
Please remember to call 'o conf commit' to make the config permanent!
cpan[3]> o conf commit
commit: wrote '/opt/zimbra/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm'
cpan[3]> quit
Nun ein Upgrade aller Perl Module mit:
$ perl -MCPAN -e 'upgrade'
Thats it … Have Fun!
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