Das Update 4 für den Bus Simulator 16 steht ab sofort zum Download auf der Spieleplattform Steam bereit.

Ergänzend zum neuen Feature „Roundtrip“ welches euch ermöglicht, eine Strecke hin und zurück fahren zu können, ist es nun auch möglich direkt nach Abschließen einer Strecke, die gleiche Strecke zurück zu fahren. Zudem hat das Stillalive-Studios-Team einige Verbesserungen eingefügt und Bugs behoben.
Mehr Details zum Patch findet ihr in den Patch-Notes:
- „öäüß“ are now allowed as characters in input-fields
- Implemented general ForceFeedback (for non-Logitech(R) steering wheels) based on DirectInput
- Logitech G25 and G29, and Thrustmaster T150 and T300RS are now properly recognized by the game
- Most wheels will now have a proper default key binding
- Implemented roundtrip feature
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bus-stats display in owned busses and shop menu
- Fixed label on police and ambulance cars not fitting in some languages
- All options now fit again in the game settings tab in main menu
- Fixed issue that bus name was displayed incorrectly when too long
- With mouse steering enabled, the steering input does no longer change while the menu is open
- When starting the game for the first time, it changes to windowed mode if not running at native resolution (to avoid the bug that the mouse position is offset)
- Improved kneeling bonus detection: it is now checked for the first passenger who boards or unboards the bus at a given stop
- Fixed wrong advertisement texture on big busstops
- Improved GPS path calculations, covering several more edge cases where paths were not ideal
- Added threshold to the „Wrong One-Way Direction“ penalty (to avoid certain false-positives)