Entwickler IRONMACE hat den Hotfix 80-2 für Dark and Darker veröffentlicht.
Dark and Darker ist ein Hardcore Fantasy FPS Dungeon PvPvE Spiel, in dem du zusammen mit Freunden gegen grausame Monster und andere Spieler in den Kampf ziehst und dabei in Dungeons auf der Suche nach Schätzen bist.
Dark and Darker Patch-Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Sorcerer’s ManaFlow stacks could cause VFX to be duplicated.
- Fixed an issue where the outstretched hand when using the Spellbook might not be affected by walls.
- Fixed an issue where casting a spell while holding a Spellbook could be canceled if obstructed by a wall.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a dungeon while holding Rogue’s Pickpocket.
- Fixed an issue in the Spider Cave module where players could get stuck between rocks and a roster.
- Fixed an issue where unintended ore placements could occur in the Goblin Maze B module.
- Fixed a potential incorrect name display for The Ice Cavern Tunnel module.
- Fixed an issue in the Ruins Forest B module where the Shrine of Health could be interacted with through walls.
- Fixed an issue in the Ruins Stones module where crows might not attack even when players reached high ground.
- Fixed an issue in the High-Roller Ruin where a portal could spawn in the boss room.
- Fixed an issue where Bandit Camp and Greathall A modules could create an inescapable space if placed together.
- Fixed an issue where a hole could appear at the connection between Atrium and Cemetery modules.
- Fixed an issue where coffins could be incorrectly placed against walls in the Crypt Underground Altar module.
- Fixed an issue in the Crypt Broken Bridge module where the top part of a used portal could remain on the ground.
- Fixed a discrepancy between the mini-map passage and the actual layout of the Crypt Rampart module.
- Fixed an issue where Crypt dungeons could spawn without down-stairs or with only one.
- Fixed an issue in the Inferno Demon Den module where certain sounds might not play correctly.
- Fixed an issue where players dying to Dark Swarm in dungeons would immediately collapse instead of the intended gradual eye-closing effect.
- Fixed an issue where changing equipment might not sync with the player’s character portrait.
- Fixed an issue where SSF (Solo Self Found) items could disappear if the game shut down during Arena matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue where Dark Swarm in the Arena could incorrectly target the player’s spawn room.
- Fixed an issue where the Rank icon might not display on the Arena leaderboard.
- Fixed an issue where some details in the Arena Recent Matches history might not be visible.
Game Updates
- Improved Sorcerer’s Mana Flow VFX.
- AP Renewal: The entry fee is now set to 0, and AP can be earned even if you fail to escape the dungeon.
- Epic users must migrate their accounts to Blacksmith to continue playing. Please visit Epic to obtain your migration code and transfer your platform to Blacksmith.
Quelle: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2016590/view/804560736106840081?l=german