Die Open-Source Containervirtualisierung Docker ermöglicht die Isolierung von Anwendungen in Containern und steht sowohl für Linux, Windows und MacOS zur Verfügung. Die Engine, bzw. Docker -CE erhielt Updates die Fehler korrigieren und zur Stabilität von Docker beitragen.
The potential impacts of the above vulnerabilities include:
Docker Engine 25.0.1 Release Notes
API: Fix incorrect HTTP status code for containers with an invalid network configuration created before upgrading to Docker Engine v25.0. moby/moby#47159
Ensure that a MAC address based on a container’s IP address is re-generated when the container is stopped and restarted, in case the generated IP/MAC addresses have been reused. moby/moby#47171
Fix host-gateway-ip not working during build when not set through configuration. moby/moby#47192
Fix a bug that prevented a container from being renamed twice. moby/moby#47196
Fix an issue causing containers to have their short ID added to their network alias when inspecting them. moby/moby#47182
Fix an issue in detecting whether a remote build context is a Git repository. moby/moby#47136
Fix an issue with layers order in OCI manifests. moby/moby#47150
Fix volume mount error when passing an addr or ip mount option. moby/moby#47185
Improve error message related to extended attributes that can’t be set due to improperly namespaced attribute names. moby/moby#47178
Swarm: Fixed start_interval not being passed to the container config. moby/moby#47163
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