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Gas Station Simulator Update


Entwickler DRAGO entertaiment hat ein Update für den Gas Station Simulator veröffentlicht. Im Gas Station Simulator übernimmst du die Leitung einer Tankstelle, die du von Grund auf wiederaufbaust und verwaltest. Du kümmerst dich um die Wartung der Tankstelle, bedienst Kunden, füllst Regale auf und sorgst für die ordnungsgemäße Funktion aller Einrichtungen. Das Spiel bietet eine Mischung aus Simulation, Business-Management und offenen Aufgaben, während du die Tankstelle stetig ausbaust und neue Herausforderungen meisterst.

Gas Station Simulator Patch-Notes:

  • Removed the Revamp Info Pop-Up from the main menu


Base game

  • Fixed a bug with Cinema Achievement not working for some players
  • Fixed a bug where the quest „Serve first customer at cash register“ could not be completed when there were two customers in line.
  • Fixed a bug where an NPC could be stuck standing still in the Drive-In Cinema parking lot.
  • Fixed a crash caused by an invalid car by the fuel pump
  • Fixed a bug where cars, especially Mamba had issues leaving parking spots, as reported by players
  • Fixed a bug where the hiring tab for Drive-In Cinema employees displayed the „Cinema handling“ task incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue in the Junkyard where the player could not answer the phone from the Uncle
  • Fixed a bug where oil stains in the Drive-In Cinema could snap to customers.
  • Fixed a bug where the Rush Hours event at the Drive-In Cinema increased the cleanliness indicator unexpectedly
  • Fixed a bug where a clipped part of the ticket would fly in the background during the validator unstuck quick-time event
  • Fixed a bug where the Cinema Cleanliness tutorial at the Drive-In Cinema would not close down when the player walked away
  • Fixed a bug where dropped popcorn bags in the Drive-In Cinema did not always turn into trash
  • Fixed a bug where the storage interaction popup was rescaling incorrectly


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