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Graylog Release 6.0.10 und 6.1.5 veröffentlicht

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Der zentrale Logserver, Graylog erhielt das Updates 6.1.5 und 6.0.10. Die Updates schließen Lücken, beheben Fehler und verbessern die Stabilität des Open-Source Loggingservers.

Graylog 6.1.5 Release Notes


  • Fixed unescaped double quotes in map and collection typed fields in Custom HTTP Notification JSON body. graylog2-server#20955 graylog2-server#21167
  • Added archive restore retry on mapper parsing exception. graylog2-server#21197
  • Fixed batching request for index block status if the combined length of the indices exceed the max possible URL length. graylog2-server#21208

Quelle: Announcing Graylog 6.1.5

Graylog 6.0.10 Release Notes

  • Fixed unescaped double quotes in map and collection typed fields in Custom HTTP Notification JSON body. graylog2-server#20955 graylog2-server#21167
  • Added archive restore retry on mapper parsing exception. graylog2-server#21197
  • Fixed batching request for index block status if the combined length of the indices exceed the max possible URL length. graylog2-server#21208

Quelle: Announcing Graylog 6.0.10

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