Die Entwickler von i-MSCP haben das Release 1.2.13 veröffentlicht. Dies war notwendig, nachdem das vor kurzem veröffentlichte 1.2.12 ein paar Fehler hatte und z.B. unter Ubuntu Probleme bereitete.
Änderungen i-MSCP Release 1.2.13
- Fixed: Missing php-fpm.pool.default declaration in configs/ubuntu/php-fpm/install.xml
- Updated: Licence header in skeletons
- Fixed: „my“ variable $cfgTpl masks earlier declaration in same scope (20_dovecot_connections.pl)
- Fixed: „my“ variable $cfgTpl masks earlier declaration in same scope (40_dovecot_pfs.pl)
- Fixed: Ensure that authentication plugin is set to ‚mysql_native_password‘ for SQL root user (MySQL >= 5.7)
- Fixed: Perl DBI (mysql) package removed when using MariaDB server, leading to installation/update failure
- Fixed: Switch policy is ignored (SQL servers)
- Fixed: Wrong package names in Debian Stretch package file (MySQL 5.6)
- Fixed: Unable to handle uncaught exception thrown… Data `translator` is not registered
- Fixed: Exception browser writer doesn’t display the expected exception in some contexts
- Fixed: Exception mail writer cache do not work
- Fixed: Unable to establish the connection to the database when using MySQL >= 5.7
Ankündigung: http://i-mscp.net/index.php/Thread/11242-i-MSCP-1-2-13-released/
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