Das beliebte Server Control Panel, ISPConfig, enthält ein paar Sicherheitslücken, die durch den Patch bzw. das Update 3.2.2 geschlossen werden. Das Update behebt auch 33 Bugs.
ISPConfig 3.2.2 Release Notes
This release fixes several minor bugs that were found in the previous version and implements some new features besides the security fix mentioned above.
In addition, several minor bugs from the previous version were fixed and some new features were implemented. Here are a few highlights:
- Improved quota bars
- Fixed several backup issues including the cleanup of over limit backups and manually creation of backups
- Fix a bug that caused custom login names to malfunction
- Fixed an issue with the DNS wizard that didn’t allow to create new zones
And we fixed several security issues.
Release Notes unter: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/milestones/72
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