Die Entwickler des Open-Source CMS, Joomla, haben an einem Tag das Security und Bugfix Release 3.9.17 veröffentlicht und das 3.9.18 das einen Fehler in der vorherigen Version behebt. Das Release 3.9.17 korrigiert über 40 Fehler und schließt 3 leichte Sicherheitslücken.
Joomla 3.9.18 Release Notes

Bug fixes and Improvements
- Fixes the single tag view incorrectly showing a 404 page #28746
Joomla 3.9.17 Release Notes

Security Issues Fixed
- Low Priority – Core – Incorrect access control in com_users access level editing function (affecting Joomla 3.8.8 through 3.9.16) More information »
- Low Priority – Core – Missing checks for the root usergroup in usergroup table (affecting Joomla 2.5.0 through 3.9.16) More information »
- Low Priority – Core – Incorrect access control in com_users access level deletion function (affecting Joomla 2.5.0 through 3.9.16)More information »
Bug fixes and Improvements
- Removal of an unneeded file added to 3.9.16 #28307
- Multilingual Associations: Fix for the Edit Associations buttons in Menu Items #28339 and in Category #28678
- PHPMailer upgraded to its latest version #28398
- ‚New‘ MVC classes depreciation notice for 4.0 instead of 5.0 #28366
- Facilitate the usage of help system by third parties #13286
- PostgreSQL: Fix for module loading #28278
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