Die Open-Source Cloudlösung, Nextcloud, wurde vor ein paar Tagen in Version 13.0.1, 12.06. und 11.0.8 in ihren Zweigen freigegeben. Dieses Release ist ein Minor Release, dass einige Fehler korrigiert und Verbesserungen in der Stabilität bringt. In Version 13, welche den aktuellen und letzten Stand darstellt, wurden mehr als 60 Bugfixe und Verbesserungen durchgeführt.
5GB kostenlosen Nextcloud Speicher bei Purwin-IT
Achtung Nextcloud 11.0.8 ist das letzte Public 11.0.x Release. Aus Sicherheits und Maintenance-Gründen sollte das Update auf 12 oder auf Version 13 demnächst erfolgen. Als Subscriber erhält man jedoch noch LTS Support.

Nextcloud 13.0.1 wesentliche Änderungen
- Fixed app navigation or the date/time picker in IE11
- Improvements to End-to-end Encryption (which is still in testing!)
- Font and usability updates
- Some security hardenings
- Updates to links and updated translations.
- Object Storage is another notable area with several fixes.
Neu ist auch die Aktivierung der Passwortprüfung gegen die HavelBeenPwned Passwortliste (aktuell über 8,8GB groß). Dabei wird das Nextcloud Login Passwort gegen die genannte Liste von bekannten Kennwörtern überprüft. Dafür werden die ersten 5 Zeichen des Passwortes als Hash an die haveibeenpwnd.com API gesendet und falls es eine Rückmeldung mit den bekannten Hashes gibt, werden diese vollständig abgeglichen. Details

Version 13.0.1 March 15 2018
Download: nextcloud-13.0.1.tar.bz2 or nextcloud-13.0.1.zip
Check the file integrity with:
MD5: nextcloud-13.0.1.tar.bz2.md5 or nextcloud-13.0.1.zip.md5
SHA256: nextcloud-13.0.1.tar.bz2.sha256 or nextcloud-13.0.1.zip.sha256
SHA512: nextcloud-13.0.1.tar.bz2.sha512 or nextcloud-13.0.1.zip.sha512
PGP (Key): nextcloud-13.0.1.tar.bz2.asc or nextcloud-13.0.1.zip.asc
- Dont polute the log on DAV emaillogin (server#8045)
- Don’t perform CSRF check on OCS routes with Bearer auth (server#8099)
- Use S3Client::upload instead of splitting single/multipart upload ourselves (server#8102)
- Remove old perl script to update l10n files (server#8145)
- Scss hardening (server#8156)
- Do not try to get the jailed path if we can’t find the id (server#8177)
- Handle SSL certificate verifications for others than Let’s Encrypt (server#8183)
- Use a phan version instead of master (server#8195)
- Repair step to clear frontend related caches (server#8197)
- Keep previous exception when transforming to dav exception (server#8228)
- Actually return stream from swift (server#8250)
- Remove invalid link to documentation (server#8253)
- Fix deleting folders when using s3 external storage (server#8261)
- Link to NC13 dev manual (server#8264)
- Better result handling of email search (server#8267)
- Update CRL to revoke files_rightclick (server#8271)
- Fix styling issues of guest pages #8155 (server#8286)
- Remove jquery ui background image (server#8287)
- Show open graph preview in WhatsApp (server#8309)
- Make acceptance tests for comments more consistent with the others (server#8395)
- Fix edit tag textbox size (server#8407)
- Use TTF fonts for avatar generation (server#8440)
- Use mb_* string methods to extract first character for generated avatars (server#8470)
- Show hint in OCS API for user creation (server#8515)
- Fix hiding and event propagation issues with the user management popover (server#8517)
- Add some whitespace around change.svg icon (server#8518)
- Avoid fruitless login attempts (server#8532)
- Fix retrieval of group members with numerical uids from LDAP (server#8536)
- Theming: handle not being in the serverroot (server#8554)
- Ext storage error warning (server#8561)
- Set autocomplete=new-password for mail share password (server#8577)
- Fix upload button visible on read-only folders (server#8595)
- Fixed app navigation for IE11 (server#8609)
- Fix breadcrumbs width calculation (server#8610)
- Fix comments (and systemtags) when involving users with numerical ids (server#8615)
- Update commentstabview.js (server#8621)
- Properly encapsulate require_once for app.php (server#8631)
- AppData hardening (server#8636)
- Use hash algo that’s robust against collisions (server#8654)
- Fixed date/time picker on IE11 (server#8663)
- Use a more widely available method to test s3 settings (server#8667)
- Use proper lanugage in langauge code (server#8668)
- Display the proper language strings in setttings (server#8669)
- Do not create empty userid when attribute does not have allowed chars (server#8673)
- Remove too restrict check for background image/color (server#8675)
- Fix example regex for user agent matching (server#8676)
- Generate different UIDs for Birthday, Anniversary and Death event (server#8678)
- Don’t use double quotes in MySQL queries (server#8680)
- Log exceptions that happen when writing the app store reply to storage (server#8683)
- Set the correct active navigation entry (server#8685)
- Fix activities for end2end encryption (server#8686)
- Filter out the current user when searching for emails too (server#8687)
- Fix check if theming defaults instance is available (server#8688)
- Fix undefined index problem (server#8693)
- Disable part files for object stores (server#8725)
- Better handling of invisible elements in acceptance tests (server#8738)
- Remove base url from global cache prefix (server#8745)
- Check if the cached js file exists (server#8746)
- Sharee email matches not limited (server#8749)
- Fix integer overflow in ChunkingPlugin (server#8752)
- Revert wording back to updates (server#8755)
- Add acceptance tests for permissions on public shared folders (server#8758)
- Also send file emails in ASAP mode (activity#249)
- Ensure userids are strings (activity#252)
- Null coalescing operator is PHP7+ (activity#254)
- Update PDF.js to 1.9.426 (files_pdfviewer#55)
- Enable full screen mode for PDF files (files_pdfviewer#59)
- Fix ACE module files failing to load (files_texteditor#83)
- Do not keep FileInfoModels returned by „getModelForFile“ (files_texteditor#89)
- Fix share drop down in gallery not properly shown (gallery#394)
- Fix gallery button hidden in folders without create permission (gallery#402)
- Fix controls position in gallery layout (gallery#405)
- Removed old code already present thanks to the files app (gallery#406)
- Create „file app“ public share links if the slideshow is opened from … (gallery#407)
- Allow to check against haveibeenpwned.com password list (password_policy#61)
Version 12.0.6 March 15 2018
Download: nextcloud-12.0.6.tar.bz2 or nextcloud-12.0.6.zip
Check the file integrity with:
MD5: nextcloud-12.0.6.tar.bz2.md5 or nextcloud-12.0.6.zip.md5
SHA256: nextcloud-12.0.6.tar.bz2.sha256 or nextcloud-12.0.6.zip.sha256
SHA512: nextcloud-12.0.6.tar.bz2.sha512 or nextcloud-12.0.6.zip.sha512
PGP (Key): nextcloud-12.0.6.tar.bz2.asc or nextcloud-12.0.6.zip.asc
Many fixes were merged, the most important ones include:
- Fix password displayed as username in Firefox password manager dialog (server#7797)
- Fix #4789: Group admins cannot see disabled users (server#8006)
- Fix jquery-ui theming (server#8022)
- Do not catch and ignore ServerNotAvailable in the wrong spot (server#8074)
- Use S3Client::upload instead of splitting single/multipart upload ourselves (server#8101)
- Fix own avatar not updated when display name is changed (server#8130)
- Remove old perl script to update l10n files (server#8146)
- Update CRL because user_sql cert was lost (server#8152)
- Handle SSL certificate verifications for others than Let’s Encrypt (server#8184)
- Do not try to get the jailed path if we can’t find the id (server#8196)
- Better result handling of email search (server#8205)
- Nextcloud 12 is not compatible with newer than php 7.1 (server#8216)
- Keep previous exception when transforming to dav exception (server#8229)
- Actually return stream from swift (server#8251)
- Remove invalid link to documentation (server#8254)
- Fix deleting folders when using s3 external storage (server#8262)
- Update CRL to revoke files_rightclick (server#8272)
- Fix edit tag textbox size (server#8408)
- Show hint in OCS API for user creation (server#8516)
- Add some whitespace around change.svg icon (server#8520)
- Don’t try login with the same name that just failed (server#8533)
- Fix retrieval of group members with numerical uids from LDAP (server#8537)
- Allow upgrading from OC 10.0.6 & 10.0.7 (server#8544)
- Theming: handle not being in the serverroot (server#8549)
- Use apps versions to generate suffix when possible (server#8611)
- Fix comments (and systemtags) when involving users with numerical ids (server#8616)
- Update commentstabview.js (server#8622)
- Properly encapsulate require_once for app.php (server#8632)
- Use hash algo that’s robust against collisions (server#8655)
- Do not create empty userid when attribute does not have allowed chars (server#8674)
- Fix example regex for user agent matching (server#8677)
- Generate different UIDs for Birthday, Anniversary and Death event (server#8679)
- Don’t use double quotes in MySQL queries (server#8681)
- Log exceptions that happen when writing the app store reply to storage (server#8682)
- Fix 500 on setup page (server#8689)
- Add missing import (server#8692)
- Disable part files for object stores (server#8726)
- Better handling of invisible elements in acceptance tests (server#8739)
- Display the home icon for empty paths (root folder) (activity#232)
- Ensure userids are strings (activity#253)
- Update PDF.js to 1.9.426 (files_pdfviewer#56)
- Enable full screen mode for PDF files (files_pdfviewer#60)
- Fix ACE module files failing to load (files_texteditor#84)
- Do not keep FileInfoModels returned by „getModelForFile“ (files_texteditor#90)
Version 11.0.8 March 15 2018
Download: nextcloud-11.0.8.tar.bz2 or nextcloud-11.0.8.zip
Check the file integrity with:
MD5: nextcloud-11.0.8.tar.bz2.md5 or nextcloud-11.0.8.zip.md5
SHA256: nextcloud-11.0.8.tar.bz2.sha256 or nextcloud-11.0.8.zip.sha256
SHA512: nextcloud-11.0.8.tar.bz2.sha512 or nextcloud-11.0.8.zip.sha512
PGP (Key): nextcloud-11.0.8.tar.bz2.asc or nextcloud-11.0.8.zip.asc
- Do not catch and ignore ServerNotAvailable in the wrong spot (server#8075)
- Update CRL because user_sql cert was lost (server#8153)
- Update CRL to revoke files_rightclick (server#8273)
- Fix retrieval of group members with numerical uids from LDAP (server#8538)
Quelle: https://nextcloud.com/changelog/
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