Nextcloud 15.0.4 wird seit gestern verteilt. Das Update behebt ein Problem beim browsen im extern angebunden Speicher / Storage.

Nextcloud 15.0.4 Release Notes
Nextcloud 15.0.3 wurde am 7 Februar verteilt und führte über 40 Änderungen und Verbesserungen durch.
Nextcloud 15.0.3 Release Notes
- Upload new files in objectstore to a .part path first (server#13036)
- Broker: add timezone to CANCEL messages (server#13384)
- Add strengthify.min files (server#13546)
- Fix click app names (server#13575)
- Principals can be principal/user/ or principal/ from lega… (server#13582)
- Correctly handle displaynames returned from the sharee API (server#13585)
- Don’t close input stream when writing in encrypted file (server#13588)
- Bump pear/archive_tar to 1.4.5 (server#13598)
- Fix integer background job id type error (server#13609)
- Fix user settings label translation (server#13611)
- Fix app navigation flickering on hover (server#13625)
- Update URL for federation (server#13636)
- Fix colorizeSvg with transformations that contain a comma (,) (server#13653)
- Use warning background color & primary text color for setting warnings (server#13665)
- Fix template paramter (server#13670)
- Cache tokens when using swift’s v2 authentication (server#13740)
- Cleanup shared lock if changing to exclusive lock failed (server#13744)
- Honor remember_login_cookie_lifetime (server#13758)
- Fix integration of social sharing into the link popover menu (server#13761)
- Respect user locale in natural sort comparator (server#13762)
- Call proper function when fetching link shares in the breadcrumb view (server#13769)
- Add acceptance tests for moving and copying files (server#13771)
- Show proper default locale (server#13781)
- Ignore non existing users when retrieving details of group members (server#13792)
- Remove .css fileending from accessibility user css route (server#13793)
- Add icon to restore activity (server#13794)
- Fix long comment in dark theme (server#13804)
- Bump bower from 1.8.4 to 1.8.8 in /build (server#13821)
- Fix for high contrast theme (server#13852)
- Always use multipart uploader for s3 uploads (server#13882)
- Fix paged search with multiple bases (LDAP) (server#13884)
- Fix dropping a folder on a folder row (server#13887)
- Fix updating the password of a link share when passwords are enforced (server#13900)
- Add fallback for trashbin original location (server#13904)
- Allow shared versions again in legacy backend (server#13905)
- Improve data directory write checking for NFS mounts (server#13906)
- Clean pending 2FA authentication on password reset (server#13915)
- Forward error message from password policy (server#13918)
- Remove warning in case of external storage error (server#13920)
- Handle mail send error gracefully (server#13930)
- Bump pear/archive_tar from 1.4.3 to 1.4.5 (3rdparty#214)
- Move to SCSS and fix app icon for dark theme (activity#338)
- Fill screen in fullscreen mode for public videos. Fixes #77 (files_videoplayer#79)
- Use target=“_blank“ and rel=“noreferrer noopener“ (firstrunwizard#105)
- Fix notification documentation to reflect recent changes (notifications#258)
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