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Nextcloud Android App 3.8.1 aktualisiert

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Die vorherige Nextcloud Android App Version 3.8.0 brachte die neuen Features der Nextcloud 17. Dazu zählen Remotewipe, TLS 1.3 Support und mehr. Das neue Update 3.8.1 ist hingegen ein minor Release das kleinere Fehler behebt, Verbesserungen durchführt und nun einen Unterordner für bewegte Bilder erstellt ohne den lokalen Ordner anzufassen. Insgesamt wurden 47 offene Punkte geschlossen.

Nextcloud Android App 3.8.1 Github 47 Closed

  • Release 3.8.1 – Roadmap overview
  • Crash when opening Foto bug
  • Missing pictures bug needs info/discussion
  • Upload failing due to connection error on version 3.8.0 bug
  • Fix vanishing images
  • Auto upload: fix relative paths
  • remove CustomEditTextField
  • fail on logon bug
  • Directory contents empty in app while web frontend shows file approved bug pr exists
  • Error with addition subfolders in 3.8.1 RC1 approved bug pr exists
  • Allow broader check on CheckAuth
  • Enhance single account mode
  • fix disappearing account list on resume
  • Fix recurring synced folder notifications
  • bump to 3.8.1 RC2 2. to review
  • Accountslist disappears when switching to another app and back approved bug pr exists
  • hardening on possible NPE due to null account/activity
  • Remove sticky headers from activities list view
  • Keeps finding the same folder as „new“ and asking for battery whitelisting approved bug pr exists
  • prevent crash when grid column is -1
  • Fix NPE in Favorites when file has no local storage path
  • Crash when switching to grid view approved bug pr exists
  • Crash in Favorites bug pr exists
  • if parent is null, then do a regular check, no early exit
  • Fix NPE in PreviewMediaFragment
  • Auto upload with Motion Photos approved bug pr exists
  • Android Mobile app crash in photos section bug pr exists
  • Backport of #4425: Upload files into subfolder 2. to review
  • Fix NPE crash in OCFileListFragment when action mode is destroyed
  • Normalize local target path in auto upload
  • Fix for NPE caused by Log.d in ThumbnailsCacheManager
  • Fix registration of second account on first run
  • Auto-uploaded files that are moved to app folder are deleted from local storage the next time the folder is viewed in the app bug
  • Not able to use multiple accounts. I log into a second account and it removes the first. I exit the app and go back in and it has me log back in. bug
  • Adding an account results the first account disappearing bug pr exists
  • Accounts added by token does not work bug
  • NPE in Log_OC$LegacyImpl.d bug
  • Fix for NPE caused by Log.d in ThumbnailsCacheManager 2. to review
  • Nextcloud Android app crashes when selecting a folder, switching into gallery mode and go back bug pr exists
  • Not all requests use the proper user-agent bug pr exists
  • Autoupload (move to app folder) deletes files on device bug stale


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