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Nextcloud App Talk Bugfix 14.0.6

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Die App Talk der Open-Source Cloudlösung Nextcloud erhielt das Update 14.0.6. Es bringt eine Änderung für eine bessere Videoqualität und führt 6 Bugfixes durch.


  • Take the device pixel ratio into account when calculating minimum grid size (should see more videos now on High DPI settings like MacOS and most 4k setup) #8247


  • Fix XML API endpoint for chats with empty reactions result #8110
  • Hide talk dashboard when user can not use the Talk app #8237
  • Hide talk sidebar integration when user can not use the Talk app #8241
  • Fix participant sessions not sent to the HPB #8099
  • Don’t search in lobbied conversations #8116
  • Fix an issue with detecting Safari on iOS version #8135

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