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Nextcloud Mail App Update 1.4.0

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Für die Nextcloud 18 und 19 wurde die Mail App aktualisiert und steht in Version 1.4.0 bereit. Es gibt einige neue Funktionen und Fehler wurden korrigiert.

Nextcloud Mail App 1.4.0 Release Notes


  • Priority Inbox: the combined inbox is now classified into important messages, favorites and others to keep you organized
  • Actions on multiple message (multiselect)
  • Mark as junk
  • Make as important
  • Search by subject
  • Confirmation when deleting account


  • Migrate from php-ml to rubix-ml
  • Show only subscribed folders
  • Open inbox when clicking on account item
  • Consistency of „important“ icon
  • Make loading spinner not move all messages
  • Change empty-content message on mail
  • Incomplete initial sync now logs the current progress


  • Delete all user’s accounts when the user is being deleted
  • Navigation from account settings to new message composer
  • Navigating back from small screens
  • User data cleanup after user deletion
  • Message deletion from priority inbox
  • Vertical space between sections in priority inbox
  • Endless initial sync due to empty partial page


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