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Notepad++ 8.4.5 Crash Bug und Feature Release

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Der kostenlose Editor Notepad++ erhielt das Update 8.4.5, dass 14 Änderungen durchführt und so Fehler besieitigt, Features bringt und zur Stabilität von Notepad++ sorgt.

Notepad++ 8.4.5 Release Notes

  1. Add reduce mode in Find/Replace dialog. (Implement #11780)
  2. Update to Scintilla 5.2.4 and Lexilla 5.1.8. (Implement #12022)
  3. Enhance very long line’s performance. (Fix #11942)
  4. Fix crash on Wine. (Fix #11941)
  5. Fix Notepad++ crash due to calling NPPM_GETLANGUAGENAME with -1 (WPARAM). (Fix #12009)
  6. Improve performance for “Find in Files” and ““Find all in…”. (Fix #11878)
  7. Add option to turn off selecting text when Field dialog is invoked. (Implement #11988)
  8. Fix drag n drop documents crash between 2 instances. (Fix #11976)
  9. Fix erasing part of content make hanging issue. (Fix #10193)
  10. Add an option for hiding the + ▼ ✕ from the menu bar. (Implement #11945)
  11. Add cycling function hints ability by ALT-UP/DOWN shortcuts. (Implement #11950)
  12. Add carret block after option. (Implement #11944)
  13. Fix detected language not being applied if Default languge is set in Document settings. (Fix #11504)
  14. Fix dark mode visual glichy in explorer panel under Windows 8.1. (Fix #11898)

Quelle: Download Notepad++ v8.4.5 | Notepad++ (

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