Der kostenlose Editor Notepad++ erhielt vor wenigen Tagen das Update 8.6.9. Dieses behebt einige Fehler und führt Verbesserungen durch.
Notepad++ 8.6.9 Release Notes
- Make installation and updates easy & quiet by adding “Yes (Silent)” button. (Fix #8514)
- Add new options ‘/closeRunningNpp’ & ‘/runNppAfterSilentInstall’ in the installer. (Implement #15230, implement #15280)
- Fix crash of “Next Search Result” command on the empty search result. (Fix #15247)
- Fix the regression where the Find dialog size is not remembered across sessions. (Fix #15294)
- Fix the regression of content lost by using Encoding “Convert to…” commands. (Fix #15324, #15271, #3054, possibly #9426)
- Fix the regression of exception/crash on Windows Server Core 2022. (Fix #15313)
- Prevent DirectWrite from being enabled under Windows Sever. (commit)
- Enhance the quality of Fluent toolbar icon sets for different DPI settings. (Fix #15253)
- Improve the look & feel of tabbar close button in dark mode. (Fix #15321, implement #15326)
- Improve the dark mode tab bar icon in the search results panel. (Implement #15286)
- Add ability to pre-populate the predefined color sets for custom tones. (Fix #15055)
- Add “Show All Character” popup menu on toolbar button. (Fix #14832)
- Fix the rectangular selection copy-paste bug. (Fix #15139, #15151)
- Allow opening shortcut files (*.lnk) directly if the file extension is changed. (Fix #9643, #11089, #10139)
- Fix the lost panels issue. (Fix #13084)
- Add Backspace unindent option. (Fix #15180)
- Fix CSS more indentation bug. (Fix #14962)
- Include F13-F24 keys in Shortcut Mapper. (Fix #11975)
- Fix the problem where the last empty clean untitled tab cannot be closed after renaming. (Fix #15306)
- Add plugin a command (NPPM_SETUNTITLEDNAME) to rename untitled tab. (Fix #8916)
- Display a message box with information about disabled backward regex searching. (Fix #15239)
- Fix the display glitch for unsaved tabs containing tab characters. (Fix #15202)
- Fix status bar and tab bar flicker during the GUI updated (fixed only for dark mode). (Fix #15260)
- Fix the issue with “Begin/End Select” command after deletion. (Fix #15221)
- Resolve the integer overflow problem in the Column Editor. (Fix #15167)
- Adjust the position of hits text in the File Progress dialog. (Fix #13426, #15244)
- Fix the deployment of other software blocked due to NppShell. (Fix #62)
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