Die Open-Source Projektmanagement Software OpenProject ist vor ein paar Tagen in Version 12.3.0 erschienen. Zu den Neuerungen zählen:
- Global Work Week

- Work Week ist per Default von Montag bis Freitag

- Duration to Work Packages
- Verbesserungen am Date Picker

- neue Tooltips bei den meisten Actionsbuttons

OpenProject 12.3.0 Bugfixes
- Epic: Define weekly work schedule (weekends) #18416
- Epic: Duration (deriving duration from dates, deriving dates from duration, updated datepicker, duration field elsewhere) #31992
- Fixed: Quick-add menu not showing on smaller screens #37539
- Fixed: Attachments are not going to be copied, when using “Copy to other project” function #43005
- Fixed: Filters are not working after adding a custom field with default value #43085
- Fixed: BIM edition unavailable on Ubuntu 22.04 packaged installation #43531
- Fixed: Can’t delete WPs from board view #43761
- Fixed: Insufficient contrast ratio between activity font color and background #43874
- Fixed: SystemStackError (stack level too deep) when trying to assign new parent or children to a work package #43894
- Fixed: Strange arrangement of files when creating a new work package #44052
- Fixed: CKEditor not wrapping the words at the end of the sentence (edit and view mode) #44125
- Fixed: File storage OAuth setting fields should not get translated #44146
- Fixed: Log out user when delete work package from board #44161
- Fixed: Work packages can have start_dates > due_dates #44243
- Fixed: Backup failed: pg_dump: password authentication failed for user “openproject” #44251
- Fixed: “Group by” options in Cost report are broken #44265
- Fixed: Files list: inconsistencies in spacing and colours #44266
- Fixed: API call for custom_options does not work custom fieleds in time_entries #44281
- Fixed: Email Reminder: Daily reminders can only be configured to be delivered at a full hour. #44300
- Changed: Cleanup placeholders of editable attributes #40133
- Changed: Updated date picker drop modal (including duration and non-working days) #41341
- Changed: Copying a project shall also copy file links attached to all work packages #41530
- Changed: Administration page for changing the global work schedule – Weekends only #42316
- Changed: Add meaningful tooltips to the most essential actions #43299
- Changed: Hide time stamp and avatar when there are hover actions #43308
- Changed: Use a disabled mouse style and tooltip for inactive files #43399
- Changed: Update work package table view for duration #43636
- Changed: Update gantt chart for duration and non-working days #43637
- Changed: Update team planner and calendar for duration and non-working days #43638
- Changed: Delete/Unlink modal #43663
- Changed: Add information toast to the Nextcloud Setup Documentation #43851
- Changed: Disregard distance (not lag) between related work packages when scheduling FS-related work packages #44053
- Changed: Add packaged installation support for SLES 15 #44117
- Changed: Replace toggles for scheduling mode and working days with on/off-switches #44147
- Changed: New release teaser block for 12.3 #44212
- Changed: Add the Switch component and Switch Field pattern to the design system #44213
Alle Infos unter: 12.3.0 (openproject.org)
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