Die Open-Soruce Firewall OPNsense erhielt das Update 22.7.9. Dieses richtet sich nach dem FreeBSD Security Advisory für das Ping-Utility sowie Suricata. Weiterhin wurde die DNS Blockliste in Python neugeschrieben. Die Entwickler kündigen ebenso neue „coole“ Feature für die DNS Blockliste in der Zukunft an. Das Update benötigt einen Neustart.
OPNsense 22.7.9 Release Notes
- system: fix internal CRL check (contributed by kulikov-a)
- system: fix a few minor Coverty Scan reports[1]
- interfaces: use get_interface_list() to identify hardware devices
- interfaces: fix single ACL use for MVC/API interface pages
- firewall: add category selection to aliases
- unbound: rework DNSBL implementation to Python module
- backend: clean up scripts/systemheath location
- backend: moved log format definitions to new location for core and several plugins
- mvc: change default sorting to case-insensitive
- mvc: move JavaScript and CSS imports to base controller
- mvc: make sure HostnameField with ZoneRootAllowed accepts „@.“ prefix
- plugins: os-telegraf 1.12.7[2]
- plugins: os-theme-cicada 1.30 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- plugins: os-theme-vicuna 1.42 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
- plugins: os-wireguard now attempts to start tunnels again when all DNS is configured
- src: ixgbe: workaround errata about UDP frames with zero checksum
- src: hpet: Allow a MMIO window smaller than 1K
- src: ping: fix handling of IP packet sizes[3]
- ports: php 8.0.26[4]
- ports: sqlite 3.40.0[5]
- ports: suricata 6.0.9[6]
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