Dies ist ein kleineres Update, dass weitere Verbesserungen zur Integration des Store und Firmware Updates durchführt. Aus Usersicht ändert sich laut den Entwicklern nichts. Ein Hotfix korrigiert einen Fehler der vorherigen Version 24.7.9.
Ein neues Plugin wurde hinzugefügt. Dieses erlaubt:“ proxying ND messages for those people stuck on a single /64 prefix delegation“
OPNsense 24.7.9 Release Notes
- system: revert CRLs in bundles as the default bundles will be removed in 25.1
- system: migrate authoritative bundle location to /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem
- system: flush the global OpenSSL configuration to /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf as well
- system: ignore gateway monitor status on boot when setting up routes
- system: fix IP address validation not being displayed in the gateway form
- system: add a „time-loop“ around authentication for failed attempts
- reporting: ISO dates and logical ranges in health graphs (contributed by Roy Orbitson)
- interfaces: kill defunct route-to states with the stale gateway IP
- firewall: make loopback traffic stateful again to fix its use with syncookie option
- firewall: add ‚Action‘ property to list of retrieved rules
- firewall: use UUIDs as rule labels to ease tracking
- firmware: refactor for generic config.sh use and related code audit
- firmware: move the bogons update script to the firmware scripts, improve logging messages and use config.sh
- firmware: opnsense-version: restored pre-2019 default output format (contributed by TotalGriffLock)
- openvpn: add Require Client Provisioning option for instances
- backend: add ‚configd environment‘ debug action
- mvc: always do stop/start on forced restart
- mvc: remove obsolete sessionClose() use in Base, Firmware, Unbound and WireGuard controllers
- plugins: os-debug 1.6
- plugins: os-ndproxy 1.0 adds an IPv6 Neighbour Discovery proxy
- plugins: os-wazuh-agent 1.2[1]
- ports: py-duckdb 1.1.3[2]
OPNsense Hotfix 24.7.9_1 Release Notes
- system: reverted „time-loop“ patch as it makes Local+TOTP authentication fail
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