Die kostenlose Virtualisierungslösung für Windows, Mac und Linux – VirtualBox, wurde aktualisiert. Das Update 7.0.2 ist ein Major Release, dass nur 10 Tage nach der neuen Version 7.0 erschien. Es behebt entsprechend 10 Fehler die seither für Windows, Linux und macOS erkannt wurden.
Virtualbox 7.0.2 Release Notes
- Known issue: VMs having more than one vCPU configured will not work properly on macOS Catalina due to an unknown memory corruption issue. Either lower the number of vCPUs to 1 or upgrade to BigSur or later where the issue does not occur
- Main: Fixed issue when VBoxSVC could become unresponsive if Extension Pack was not installed (bug #21167)
- macOS hosts: Added workaround for a bug in the Hypervisor framework on Catalina causing VERR_NEM_MAP_PAGES_FAILED errors when starting a VM. (bug #21128)
- macOS hosts: Re-introduced support for internal networking, this is considered a bit experimental still
- macOS hosts: Fixed VM crash when the guest tries to access a microphone or webcam
- Windows host: Shared Clipboard: Fixed issue when only 4Kb of host clipboard buffer was accessible to guest (bug #21149)
- Linux Guest Additions: Introduced initial support for kernel 6.1
- Linux Guest Additions: Fixed issue when VBoxClient seamless service caused a crash of some X11 applications (bug #21132)
- Windows hosts: GUI: Fixed missing Qt libraries for vista style and sql driver (bug #21155)
- GUI: Fixed a glitch in the log viewer which was causing wrong log file to be saved (bug #21156)
Quelle: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Changelog
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