Die Entwickler von PHP haben heute Sicherheitsupdates für die PHP Zweige 8.1., 8.2, 8.3 und 8.4 veröffentlicht. Die Updates schließen Lücken die in den folgenden CVEs beschrieben sind: CVE-2025-1219, CVE-2025-1736, CVE-2025-1861, CVE-2025-1734 and CVE-2025-1217.
PHP 8.4.5 Release Notes
- BCMath:
- Core:
- Fixed bug GH-17623 (Broken stack overflow detection for variable compilation).
- Fixed bug GH-17618 (UnhandledMatchError does not take zend.exception_ignore_args=1 into account).
- Fix fallback paths in fast_long_{add,sub}_function.
- Fixed bug OSS-Fuzz #391975641 (Crash when accessing property backing value by reference).
- Fixed bug GH-17718 (Calling static methods on an interface that has `__callStatic` is allowed).
- Fixed bug GH-17713 (ReflectionProperty::getRawValue() and related methods may call hooks of overridden properties).
- Fixed bug GH-17916 (Final abstract properties should error).
- Fixed bug GH-17866 (zend_mm_heap corrupted error after upgrading from 8.4.3 to 8.4.4).
- Fixed GHSA-rwp7-7vc6-8477 (Reference counting in php_request_shutdown causes Use-After-Free). (CVE-2024-11235)
- DOM:
- GD:
- FFI:
- Fix FFI Parsing of Pointer Declaration Lists.
- FPM:
- Fixed bug GH-17643 (FPM with httpd ProxyPass encoded PATH_INFO env).
- Fixed bug GH-17704 (ldap_search fails when $attributes contains a non-packed array with numerical keys).
- LibXML:
- Fixed GHSA-wg4p-4hqh-c3g9 (Reocurrence of #72714).
- Fixed GHSA-p3x9-6h7p-cgfc (libxml streams use wrong `content-type` header when requesting a redirected resource). (CVE-2025-1219)
- MBString:
- Fixed bug GH-17503 (Undefined float conversion in mb_convert_variables).
- Opcache:
- Fixed bug GH-17654 (Multiple classes using same trait causes function JIT crash).
- Fixed bug GH-17577 (JIT packed type guard crash).
- Fixed bug GH-17747 (Exception on reading property in register-based FETCH_OBJ_R breaks JIT).
- Fixed bug GH-17715 (Null pointer deref in observer API when calling cases() method on preloaded enum).
- Fixed bug GH-17868 (Cannot allocate memory with tracing JIT on 8.4.4).
- PDO_SQLite:
- Fixed GH-17837 ()::getColumnMeta() on unexecuted statement segfaults).
- Fix cycle leak in sqlite3 setAuthorizer().
- Fix memory leaks in pdo_sqlite callback registration.
- Phar:
- Fixed bug GH-17808: PharFileInfo refcount bug.
- Partially fixed bug GH-17387 (Trivial crash in phpdbg lexer).
- Fix memory leak in phpdbg calling registered function.
- Reflection:
- Fixed bug GH-15902 (Core dumped in ext/reflection/php_reflection.c).
- Fixed missing final and abstract flags when dumping properties.
- Standard:
- Fixed bug #72666 (stat cache clearing inconsistent between file:// paths and plain paths).
- Streams:
- Fixed bug GH-17650 (realloc with size 0 in user_filters.c).
- Fix memory leak on overflow in _php_stream_scandir().
- Fixed GHSA-hgf5-96fm-v528 (Stream HTTP wrapper header check might omit basic auth header). (CVE-2025-1736)
- Fixed GHSA-52jp-hrpf-2jff (Stream HTTP wrapper truncate redirect location to 1024 bytes). (CVE-2025-1861)
- Fixed GHSA-pcmh-g36c-qc44 (Streams HTTP wrapper does not fail for headers without colon). (CVE-2025-1734)
- Fixed GHSA-v8xr-gpvj-cx9g (Header parser of `http` stream wrapper does not handle folded headers). (CVE-2025-1217)
- Windows:
- Fixed phpize for Windows 11 (24H2).
- Fixed GH-17855 (CURL_STATICLIB flag set even if linked with shared lib).
- Zlib:
- Fixed bug GH-17745 (zlib extension incorrectly handles object arguments).
- Fix memory leak when encoding check fails.
- Fix zlib support for large files.
PHP 8.3.19 Release Notes
- BCMath:
- Core:
- Fixed bug GH-17623 (Broken stack overflow detection for variable compilation).
- Fixed bug GH-17618 (UnhandledMatchError does not take zend.exception_ignore_args=1 into account).
- Fix fallback paths in fast_long_{add,sub}_function.
- Fixed bug GH-17718 (Calling static methods on an interface that has `__callStatic` is allowed).
- Fixed bug GH-17797 (zend_test_compile_string crash on invalid script path).
- Fixed GHSA-rwp7-7vc6-8477 (Reference counting in php_request_shutdown causes Use-After-Free). (CVE-2024-11235)
- DOM:
- Fixed bug GH-17847 (xinclude destroys live node).
- FFI:
- Fix FFI Parsing of Pointer Declaration Lists.
- FPM:
- Fixed bug GH-17643 (FPM with httpd ProxyPass encoded PATH_INFO env).
- GD:
- Fixed bug GH-17772 (imagepalettetotruecolor crash with memory_limit=2M).
- Fixed bug GH-17704 (ldap_search fails when $attributes contains a non-packed array with numerical keys).
- LibXML:
- Fixed GHSA-wg4p-4hqh-c3g9 (Reocurrence of #72714).
- Fixed GHSA-p3x9-6h7p-cgfc (libxml streams use wrong `content-type` header when requesting a redirected resource). (CVE-2025-1219)
- MBString:
- Fixed bug GH-17503 (Undefined float conversion in mb_convert_variables).
- Opcache:
- PDO_SQLite:
- Fixed GH-17837 ()::getColumnMeta() on unexecuted statement segfaults).
- Fix cycle leak in sqlite3 setAuthorizer().
- Phar:
- Fixed bug GH-17808: PharFileInfo refcount bug.
- Partially fixed bug GH-17387 (Trivial crash in phpdbg lexer).
- Fix memory leak in phpdbg calling registered function.
- Reflection:
- Fixed bug GH-15902 (Core dumped in ext/reflection/php_reflection.c).
- Standard:
- Fixed bug #72666 (stat cache clearing inconsistent between file:// paths and plain paths).
- Streams:
- Fixed bug GH-17650 (realloc with size 0 in user_filters.c).
- Fix memory leak on overflow in _php_stream_scandir().
- Fixed GHSA-hgf5-96fm-v528 (Stream HTTP wrapper header check might omit basic auth header). (CVE-2025-1736)
- Fixed GHSA-52jp-hrpf-2jff (Stream HTTP wrapper truncate redirect location to 1024 bytes). (CVE-2025-1861)
- Fixed GHSA-pcmh-g36c-qc44 (Streams HTTP wrapper does not fail for headers without colon). (CVE-2025-1734)
- Fixed GHSA-v8xr-gpvj-cx9g (Header parser of `http` stream wrapper does not handle folded headers). (CVE-2025-1217)
- Windows:
- Fixed phpize for Windows 11 (24H2).
- Fixed GH-17855 (CURL_STATICLIB flag set even if linked with shared lib).
- Zlib:
- Fixed bug GH-17745 (zlib extension incorrectly handles object arguments).
- Fix memory leak when encoding check fails.
- Fix zlib support for large files.
PHP 8.2.28 Release Notes
- Core:
- LibXML:
- Fixed GHSA-wg4p-4hqh-c3g9 (Reocurrence of #72714).
- Fixed GHSA-p3x9-6h7p-cgfc (libxml streams use wrong `content-type` header when requesting a redirected resource). (CVE-2025-1219)
- Streams:
- Fixed GHSA-hgf5-96fm-v528 (Stream HTTP wrapper header check might omit basic auth header). (CVE-2025-1736)
- Fixed GHSA-52jp-hrpf-2jff (Stream HTTP wrapper truncate redirect location to 1024 bytes). (CVE-2025-1861)
- Fixed GHSA-pcmh-g36c-qc44 (Streams HTTP wrapper does not fail for headers without colon). (CVE-2025-1734)
- Fixed GHSA-v8xr-gpvj-cx9g (Header parser of `http` stream wrapper does not handle folded headers). (CVE-2025-1217)
- Windows:
- Fixed phpize for Windows 11 (24H2).
PHP 8.1.32 Release Notes
- LibXML:
- Streams:
- Fixed GHSA-hgf5-96fm-v528 (Stream HTTP wrapper header check might omit basic auth header). (CVE-2025-1736)
- Fixed GHSA-52jp-hrpf-2jff (Stream HTTP wrapper truncate redirect location to 1024 bytes). (CVE-2025-1861)
- Fixed GHSA-pcmh-g36c-qc44 (Streams HTTP wrapper does not fail for headers without colon). (CVE-2025-1734)
- Fixed GHSA-v8xr-gpvj-cx9g (Header parser of `http` stream wrapper does not handle folded headers). (CVE-2025-1217)
- Windows:
- Fixed phpize for Windows 11 (24H2).
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