Entwickler Running With Scissors hat das Update 1.0 für Postal 4:No Regerts veröffentlicht. Mit der Version 1.0 wurden unter anderem Errungenschaften hinzugefügt.

Update 1.0
- 23 Achievements! (Entering the Sissy command / playing on Easy difficulty will revoke the right to earn achievements, and the save file will be marked as such accordingly) + Trading Cards, Steam Profile Backgrounds, Emotes
- Controller support for Scooter ATMs and Vending Machines!
- Alternate ammo types! Explosive, Incendiary, Tranquilizer and Taser ammo upgrades are available for purchase in Ammo vending machines across Edensin
- Performance setting for Dismemberment!
- More grappling hook points in order to gain access to previously inaccessible areas!
- Unique sky spheres for each day!
- New Police models! Reinforcements will now include Sheriffs and heavier armored cops
- Reward crates for collectibles! Collecting 10, 30 and 50 of each will spawn reward crates in one of the back rooms in Anu’s Inn
- Unique Main Menu art for each day!
- Dude Voice Preview in the Menu!
- Improved cutscenes! Animal Catcher Outro, Tinklage Boss Intro, Mall Intro and VR Intro
- Proper pass for item and weapon pickups!
- Pacifist ending!
- Language Selector for Subtitles!
- New models for Tinklage and Carter Cruise!
- More NPC model / clothing variations!
- New Random Encounter Easter Egg!
- Interactables pass across Edensin! Static toilets, shower cabinets, bidets, etc. have been replaced with working interactables. Be sure to keep an eye out for toilets as they can now spawn some goodies when you open them 🙂
- Dismemberment for remaining characters!
Changed / Improved
- Added ‘Hold E to activate’ feature for Going POSTAL challenges so that you’ll see what the challenge requires you to do before you attempt it
- Removed glitchy LODs of the HighSeas building mesh
- Updated POSTAL challenges indicator textures
- Polished weapon wheel ammo type and upgrade icons / code
- Improved quality of explosive particles
- Improved M16 first person animation set
- Polished up majority of Going POSTAL challenges
- Interiors in Residential area
- Tweaked the Revolver’s Third Person animation set
- Adjusted Subtitles so they don’t conflict with Pause menu settings
- Replaced Civvie’s building with a better looking model
- Updated KDTF Radio with new calls
- KDTF building now plays it’s station when inside
- Save data now properly remembers if cheats were used, and displays a badge of honor on the save file 🙂
- Moved the Dude voice selector to the front of the New Game menu for convenience
- Updated police lines
- Roller coaster sounds can be heard when off roller coaster
- Reverb has been dialed back a bit
- Guns not as loud
- Dam Foreman will now yell at you for putting wrong item in
- Sewer Foreman talking over himself in beginning cinematic
- Various broken doors across all levels
- Railroad crossing pole textures popping in and out
- Inaccurate collision on certain buildings which would mess with the navigation
- Broken IK on roads
- Heat Waves toggle
- Various New Game Menu issues
- Tomb Raiders getting stuck in the first area of Lost City
- Shoulders on Pistol’s animation set
- End credits breaking when skipping outro movie
- Dude saying „get over here“ when hooking a Grapple Point
- Wrong Shotgun ammo type being sold by Vending Machines
- Many, many general mapping bugs reported by our community
- Certain POSTAL challenges not being displayed correctly on the counter
- Petition weapon not equipping properly at the start of Wednesday
- End of Wednesday not triggering properly when exiting the Wipe Compound
- Sounds from the Prison remaining after errand completion
- Janky video resolution menu
- Broken cabinets in house interiors
- Fire issues in Pit Boss errand
- Cutscenes sometimes desyncing
- Dismemberment sounds
- Prison ambiance coming from one direction
- Chain Sickle projectile becoming unresponsive if thrown point blank into someone
- Dude saying “look at the size of that thing” on days other than monday
- Hover sound playing during cinematics
- Fixed issues of lines not belonging to correct voice actor
- Sound issue if you killed Hardrock with fire
- Cat pounce attack infinitely looping