Powershell ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug und im Alltag vieler Administratoren nicht mehr weg zu denken. Nachfolgend ein paar Beispiele um DNS Server mittels Powershell, als Alternative zu nslookup, abzufragen.
Seit Windows 8 und Server 2012 ist das cmdlet Resolve-DNSName Bestandteil des DNSClient Moduls. Damit lassen sich nicht nur Microsoft DNS Server abfragen und es benötigt zudem keien extra Rechte oder weitere Tools.
prüfen ob das CMDLet Resolve-DNSName aktiv ist
PS C:\> Get-Command -Name Resolve-DnsName
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Resolve-DnsName DnsClient
DNS A Record anzeigen
PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name taste-of-it.de -Type A
Name Type TTL Section IPAddress
---- ---- --- ------- ---------
taste-of-it.de A 86400 Answer
DNS Nameserver (NS) Record anzeigen
PS C:\>
Resolve-DnsName -Name google.de -Type NS -DnsOnly
Name Type TTL Section NameHost
---- ---- --- ------- --------
google.de NS 57159 Answer ns1.google.com
google.de NS 57159 Answer ns4.google.com
google.de NS 57159 Answer ns2.google.com
google.de NS 57159 Answer ns3.google.com
Name : ns1.google.com
QueryType : A
TTL : 57159
Section : Additional
IP4Address :
einen DNS Server direkt nach einem Record befragen
PS C:\> #Resolve-DnsName -Name google.de -Type NS -DnsOnly
Resolve-DnsName -Name taste-of-it.de -Type A -Server
Name Type TTL Section IPAddress
---- ---- --- ------- ---------
taste-of-it.de A 11141 Answer
Oben frage ich den DNS Server (Google) direkt nach dem DNS Record dieses Blogs. Wird kein DNS-Server angegeben wird immer der aus dem lokalen Netzwerk, also der den der lokale Client nutzt, abgefragt.
einen DNS Server direkt nach einem MX Record befragen
PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name taste-of-it.de -Type MX -Server
Name Type TTL Section NameExchange Preference
---- ---- --- ------- ------------ ----------
taste-of-it.de MX 21599 Answer mail.taste-of-it.de 10
alle bekannten Records abfragen
Will man prüfen welche Records vorhanden sind, dann kann man dies auch mit dem Typ All machen:
PS C:\> Resolve-DnsName -Name taste-of-it.de -Type All
weitere Typen zum abfragen sind:
- UNKNOWN = 0,
- A_AAAA = 0, the DNS query type is A_AAAA.
- A = 1, the DNS query type is IPv4 server Address.
- AAAA = 28, the DNS query type is IPv6 server address.
- NS = 2, the DNS query type is name server.
- MX = 15, the DNS query type is mail routing information.
- MD = 3, the DNS query type is mail destination.
- MF = 4, the DNS query type is mail forwarder.
- CNAME = 5, the DNS query type is canonical name.
- SOA = 6, the DNS query type is start of authority zone.
- MB = 7, the DNS query type is mailbox domain name.
- MG = 8, the DNS query type is mail group member.
- MR = 9, the DNS query type is mail rename name.
- NULL = 10, the DNS query type is null resource record.
- WKS = 11, the DNS query type is well known service.
- PTR = 12, the DNS query type is domain name pointer.
- HINFO = 13, the DNS query type is host information.
- MINFO = 14, the DNS query type is mailbox information.
- TXT = 16, the DNS query type is text strings.
- RP = 17, the DNS query type is responsible person.
- AFSDB = 18, the DNS query type is AFS database servers.
- X25 = 19, the DNS query type is packet switched wide area network.
- ISDN = 20, the DNS query type is Integrated Services Digital Network.
- RT = 21, the DNS query type is DNS route through.
- SRV = 33, the DNS query type is server selection.
- DNAME = 39, the DNS query type is domain aliases.
- OPT = 41, the DNS query type is DNS option.
- DS = 43, the DNS query type is delegation signer.
- RRSIG = 46, the DNS query type is DNSSEC signature.
- NSEC = 47, the DNS query type is next-secure record.
- DNSKEY = 48, the DNS query type is DNS key record.
- DHCID = 49, the DNS query type is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol information.
- NSEC3 = 50, the DNS query type is NSEC record version 3.
- NSEC3PARAM = 51, the DNS query type is NSEC3 parameters.
- ANY = 255, the DNS query type is wildcard match.
- ALL = 255, the DNS query type is wildcard match.
Quelle Microsoft Powershell: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/dnsclient/resolve-dnsname?view=winserver2012r2-ps
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