Sophos hat vor wenigen Tagen, die neue Firmeware 17.5.5 MR-5, für die XG Firewall veröffentlicht. Das Update bringt Support für den Sophos APX120 Access Point und behebt 5 wichtige Fehler.
Sophos XG Firewall 17.5.5 MR-5 Release Notes
PX 120 support for XG Firewall
The APX 120 is a new entry-level, 2×2 MIMO access point. It comes with dual-radio technology and supports 802.11ac Wave 2 for much improved performance over the equivalent AP Series models. With 17.5 MR5, you would be able to manage APX 120 from XG Firewall.
Issues Resolved in SF 17.5 MR5
- NC-42458 [Authentication] CAA error „Username already logged in too many times. Client will try again shortly“
- NC-43413 [Authentication] access_server does not always react to service heartbeats
- NC-43108 [Email] Unable to use a Russian search string in SMTP quarantine search
- NC-40223 [Licensing] Unable to send license sync request after not receiving CSR response
- NC-44226 [Wireless] MAC filtering cannot be configured for a SSID using API
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