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Supermarket Simulator Update v0.2.1.2

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Entwickler Nokta Games hat ein Update für den Supermarket Simulator veröffentlicht. Im Supermarket Simulator führt ihr Euren eigenen Supermarkt, befüllt die Regale, legt die Preise fest, sitzt an der Kasse. Mit wachsendem Erfolg erweitert ihr den Supermarkt und stellt Personal ein. Das Spiel befindet sich aktuell noch im Early Access.

Supermarket Simulator Patch-Notes:

  • Fixed all restockers going for the same products which caused them to get stuck
  • Fixed boxes sticking to restockers‘ hands
  • Added restockers prioritizing boxes with the least products when they get a box from racks.
  • Added players taking the box with the least amount of product from racks.
  • Added customers prioritizing shorter lined checkouts.
  • Added details to the Daily Statistic Screen like customization costs, staff payment, loan income, etc.
  • Fixed balance not refreshing after some payments.

What we’re working on next:

  • Balancing the self-checkout because it’s OP
  • Adding boosting cashiers to speed them up
  • Adding an ordering tablet to order products by interacting with product labels
  • Adding a pricing app to the computer to see the price changes and set the prices in one place
  • And more…


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