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Thunderbird Mailclient Bugfix Release 102.0.1

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Der kostenlose Mailclient für Windows, MacOS und Linux, Thunderbird, erhielt das Bugfix Release 102.0.1. Das Update behebt 10 Fehler und sorgt so für die Stabilität von Mozilla Thunderbird.

Thunderbird 102.0.1 Release Notes

  • Mailbox MSF files could become corrupt in some circumstances
  • OpenPGP Key Assistant did not show status for addresses handled by aliases
  • Attaching an external OpenPGP public key failed if configured with a subkey ID
  • Thunderbird continued using an old password after changing it
  • New mail notifications were only shown for one mail account when multiple accounts were configured
  • LDAP Address Books could not be configured using IPv6 address literals
  • CardDAV contacts (notably Google-hosted) with more than one email address were not always editable
  • Address Book accessibility improvements
  • Various UI improvements
  • Icons converted to new style


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