Die Entwickler des Mozilla Thunderbird E-Mail Clients haben die Version 60.5.0 veröffentlicht. Das Update ist ein Wartungsupdate, dass 3 Fehler behebt und 4 Neuerungen mitbringt. Wer das Kalender Addin installiert hat, erhält automatisch die neue Version.
What’s New
- NEWFileLink provider WeTransfer to upload large attachments
- NEWThunderbird now allows the addition of OpenSearch search engines from a local XML file using a minimal user inferface: [+] button to select a file an add, [-] to remove.
- NEWMore search engines: Google and DuckDuckGo available by default in some locales
- NEWDuring account creation, Thunderbird will now detect servers using the Microsoft Exchange protocol. It will offer the installation of a 3rd party add-on (Owl) which supports that protocol.
- FIXEDThunderbird now compatible with other WebExtension-based FileLink add-ons like the Dropbox add-on
- FIXEDCrash when using custom sound for new email notification
- FIXEDVarious security fixes
Known Issues
- UNRESOLVEDDue to changes in the Mozilla platform profiles stored on Windows network shares addressed via drive letters are now addressed via UNC
- UNRESOLVEDCalDav access to some servers not working. Workaround: Set preference network.cookie.same-site.enabled to false.
- UNRESOLVEDChat: Twitter not working due to API changes at Twitter.com
Quelle: https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/60.5.0/releasenotes/
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