Tine 2.0 Community Edition 2021.2.1 Bugfix Release

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Die Open-Source Groupware Tine2.0 Community Edition erhielt ein neues Updates. Tine 2.0 CE synchronisiert E-Mails, Termine, Aufgaben und Kontakte mittels ActiveSync oder CalDAV mit Smartphones und anderen Geräten. Das Update behebt 48 Fehler und führt 12 neue Features ein.

Tine 2.0 Release News 2021.02.1

#7260 fix(cardDAV/calDAV) Reviewed xDAV client EMClient v7/v8


46143b8 feature(Felamimail/Account): create auto move notification if missing
dc569cc feature(emclient): support EMClient 7+8
3cfafec feature(Tinebase/Sales): add central sales tax configuration
5d17e14 feature(Tinebase): add (de)select all in hmenu for checkcols
d1eecef feature(Filemanager/GridPanel): expand folder on ENTER
6388b64 feature(Calendar): csv export for shared calendars
2f0a9d3 feature(Calendar): csv export for resources
38527dc feature(Felamimail) allow to import eml’s via UI
317f552 feature(Felamimail/Drafts): delete drafts (do not move to trash)
1eb609b feature(Tinebase/js): add RecordEditField
1f58e8b feature(Calendar): resource colors


527f2e5 fix(Felamimail/js):only show IMAP/SMTP test btn for external user
b7d874d fix(TB Export Xls) fix extended twig syntax (ifs)
edd1502 fix(ci): reuse image dose not push commit image
bbeeefc fix(TB mysql8) installation would choose utf8 instead of utf8mb4, added force upgrade update script
b75585e fix(TB Pagination) make sorting for record properties of type user possible
8c34b3a fix(TB Export Xls) allow extended twig templates in xls
0b74718 fix(Felamimail/Tree): folders with ‚junk‘ in their name cannot be deleted #7259
1ad41aa fix(Sales/Invoice): don’t fail if invoice end-date is missing
cece222 fix(Felamimail/js): add missing function for accountEditDialog closing error
e0d564d fix(TB) typo
1545d0b fix(Timetracker): wrong auto end-time in ts-edit
fc2c8c1 fix(TB) add missing auth_token update routine
f66e1b9 fix(Timetracker): wrong auto end-time in ts-edit
77abad0 fix(mysql8 group by) mysql8.0.20 had a bug…
db51d2a fix(HumanResources): can’t delete freetimes in FreeTimePlanningPanel
e6da56d fix(Felamimail): fontsize btns not working in safari
6ddb66e fix(Filemanager): dataSafe not working in safari
1e701f9 fix(TB PersistentFilter) avoid getAllRegistryData to fail if filter is broken
0232ff2 fix(TB CustomFieldFilter) apply foreignId filter changes for cf filters too
346e68e fix(HR test fails) tests relied on outdated export definition name, changed it
9922848 fix(Tinebase): checkCols sometimes throw error
63e96cb fix(HR) fixing dailyWTReport calc, freeTime/wage types
afbe034 fix(TB FS) php mimetype lag behind, use httpd mime.types based impl
14b5e92 fix(Tinebase): cope with empty/not expanded in record renderer
781f881 fix(HumanResources): use corrected tart time in wtr exports
c34e9c0 fix(HumanResources): wage_type title in grids
edcace2 fix(Timetracker): allow to bypass ts filter acl
7a1a707 fix(HumanResources): workingtime tzshift in dailyReport UI
46306f2 fix(Tinebase): langHelper add translations from ->translate fn
060f1bc fix(Tinebase/Cli): use correct exception variable
4484fb5 fix(Tinebase/Fulltext): update script that removes big records
b3acbea fix(Tinebase): owningApp might not be accessable
7149e74 fix(Felamimail/SPAM): update unread count after proceed spam pipeline
7a2f0dc fix(Felamimail/SPAM): update unread count after proceed spam pipeline
295e9b3 fix(Felamimail/js): teams invitations might not show event part
87078d0 fix(TB Export) fix definition based twig cache busting
aa371e4 fix(TB export) cache bust for definition based twig
4cc6248 fix(HumanResources/Update): prevent problem with duplicate version update
2524ab7 fix(Timesheets): save timesheets with quickSave
bcd0a68 fix(Calendar/DemoData): prevent undefined index without smtp mail config
69f7baf fix(Tasks/js): set maxLength for summary fields
bf06a81 fix(Felamimail/Setup): fix Felamimail version and add update check
eb8fe0d fix(Felamimail/GridPanel/Sent): fix switching of filter and columns
04aa79a fix(Setup/Cli): return correct app uninstall count
f477c4c fix(Felamimail): wrong setup version
94bdadf fix(Felamimail/spam): preserve body and headers on rewrite subject
85b347a fix(githubCI):run CI when push to main branch
470d617 fix(TB Export) fix csv exports twig definitions


d12147f refactor(Tinebase): move renderManager for applicationStarter to girdRender

Quelle: Releases · tine20/tine20 · GitHub

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