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Tine 2.0 Release 2022.05.21.91

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Für die Open-Source Groupware – Tine2.0 Community Edition steht auf Github eine neue Version bereit. Tine 2.0 CE synchronisiert E-Mails, Termine, Aufgaben und Kontakte mittels ActiveSync oder CalDAV mit Smartphones und anderen Geräten. Das Update behebt viele Fehler und bringt neue Funktionen.

Tine 2.0 2022.05.21.91 Release Notes


5c85e2d feature(Tinebase): add broadcast-hub client
1ec4320 feature(Tinebase/DB): drop pgsql / oracle stuff
db64dd0 feature(Calendar): web title templates


f0f4336 fix(Setup): show all setup tests
456ddcf fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) fix TS BL rounding error arround minute 59
a6b2328 fix(Tasks): inline percentage edit is empty
96b7780 fix(Tinebase/Container): cache tag id needs to be container_ID
52fb69d fix(Timetracker): can’t update grants only
8bb5623 fix(Timetracker): find timeaccounts with request-own grant only
9b07c1f fix(Felamimail/Message): improve recipients search feature
36fdef6 fix(Sales) product export fix re performance improved records expanding
07f639b fix(HumanResources): Workingtimeshema dlg does not close
dc03b92 fix(Tinebase/Expander): revert some more
3e07b6a fix(Tinebase): clearAll does not clear everything from registry
4b6336a fix(Setup/Cli): backup destination records based on client id
733b097 fix(Tinebase): clearAll remove not all registry
cec263e fix(Cal iMIP) generating iMIP for recure exception should send whole event series
b5e8ccc fix(Felamimail/Message): resolve multi recipient formats

Quelle: Release 2022.05.21.91 · tine20/tine20 · GitHub

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