Die kostenlose Groupware, Tine 2.0 in der Community Edition, erhielt das Bugfix Release 2022.06.18.130. Es bringt zwei neue Features und behebt 15 Fehler u.a. in Sales, Human Resources und WebDAV.
0e308c0 feature(Addressbook/Contact): add country layer combo filter
cbd46f8 feature(MatrixSynapseIntegrator): add app
c9cc52e fix(Sales) invoiceNumber in old invoices
c5add70 fix(HumanResources): can’t add attachments/relations to employee
63ff7f5 fix(Felamimail/js): expand email folder path when root is rendered
22a0a50 fix(Tinebase/WebDAV): sync pin protection folder
b7c56ed fix(Filemanager/test): improve testGrantsHelper for webdav tests
eeb833c fix(TB FS/WebDAV) move from/to /shared acl confusion unsorted
28fe692 fix(Tinebase/WebDav): check sync and read grant for all tree nodes
20d4119 fix(Admin/TB Group) softDelete Lists too on group deletion
d3530da fix(Sales): picking deliver address not possible
5c94241 fix(Sales): initial price of product set posistions
f7777b4 fix(TB MFA) fix webauthn cleanup
faf0da5 fix(Felamimail/js): fix select last selecte node
a032baf fix(HumanResources): snooze missleading exception on vacation add
01a8fa9 fix(Tinebase) delete btn missing
dec9637 fix(Tinebase): MFA Self-Service as missing rights
Quelle: https://github.com/tine20/tine20/releases/tag/2022.06.25.100
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