Ultimaker hat die Open-Source und 3D Slice Software, Cura, aktualisiert und diese nun in Version 5.3.1 bereit gestellt. Diese kann sowohl für Windows, Linux als auch MacOS installiert werden. UltiMaker Cura dient dem slicen, also umwandeln von 3D-Modellen in G-Code zum Druck dieser Modelle auf 3D-Druckern.
Ultimaker Cura 5.3.1 Release Notes
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the machine definitions could not be updated
- Fixed a bug where part of the model would not have fuzzy skin
- Fixed a bug where a project files that contain an intent profile would not load correctly
- Fixed a bug where Pause At Height was not working correctly for Griffin (UltiMaker printers)
- Fixed a bug where slicing was blocked if initial printing temperature was higher than the printing temperature
- Fixed a bug where Gcode would display NOMESH instead of NONMESH, contributed by @ckvsoft
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to slice with certain materials
Quelle: Release UltiMaker Cura 5.3.1 · Ultimaker/Cura · GitHub
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