WordPress 6.5.3 Maintenance Release

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Die beliebte Blogsoftware WordPress wurde im Rahmen der regulären Wartungen aktualisiert. Das Update 6.5.3 behebt 12 Fehler im Core und 9 Bugfixes im Block Editor. Das größere Update auf Version 6.6 ist für den Juli 2024 geplant.

WordPress 6.5.3 Release Notes

WordPress 6.5.3 Release Notes Gutenberg Editor

#60489 – Layout: Skip outputting base layout rules that reference content or wide sizes if no layout sizes exist
#60620 – Fix inserter pattern pagination focus loss
#60608 – Fix static posts page setting resolved template
#60641 – Font Library: Fix modal scrollbar
#60661 – Interactivity API: Allow multiple event handlers for the same type with data-wp-on.
#60668 – Layout: Always add semantic classes
#60845 – List View: Fix stuck dragging mode in UI in Firefox when dealing with deeply nested lists
#60764 – Don’t output base flow and constrained layout rules on themes without theme.json
#60686 – PHP unit test workflow: Try removing 7.0 and 7.1 to get CI tests passing

WordPress 6.5.3 Release Notes Core

#60754Block Hooks: Incorrect context passed when setting ignored hooked blocks metadata
#60827Patterns menu item, put back the context parameter.
#60862wp_localize_script() on login_enqueue_scripts hook change in behavior
#60865Some PHPUnit Tests are failing
#60876Autoprefixer warning in `src/wp-admin/css/media.css` when running `precommit:css` Grunt task
#60888Fatal error when passing non-strings to `WP_Translation_Controller::load_file()`
#60909Classic Theme with theme.json attempts to load templates
#60936Layout: Output of base layout rules conflicts with wide alignment of blocks in classic themes
#60980Fix get_item_features() in class-avif-info.php
#609816.5 adds the „is-layout-constrained“ class to the wrong place for classic themes
#60992Plugin management: AJAX plugin activation consequences
#61129Update npm packages with bugfixes for 6.5.3

Quelle: https://wordpress.org/news/2024/05/wordpress-6-5-3-maintenance-release/

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