Ultimaker Cura Marketplace Calibration Shapes 2.1.5 veröffentlicht

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Der Hersteller von 3D-Druckern Ultimaker, der auch die Slicing Software Cura kostenlos anbietet, stellt auch das Addon „Calibration Shapes“ für die Software Cura als Addon an. Diese wurde aktualisiert und steht nun in Version 2.1.5 bereit:
GitHub – 5axes/Calibration-Shapes: A Cura plugin that adds simple shapes (cube, cylinder, tube) and also 23 Calibration and test parts + 6 Postprocessing scripts

Ultimaker Cura Calibration Shapes 2.1.5 Release Notes

V2.1.5 -> Error on Script RetractTower with M83 in a commented line Script V1.9
V2.1.4 -> Correction on Error Message ( for Cura 4.4 to Cura 4.10)
V2.1.3 -> Update For Cura 5.0


CalibrationShapes-v8.0.0-2022-09-13T16_03_20Z.curapackage -> Cura 5.0 – Cura 5.1
CalibrationShapes-v7.0.0-2022-09-13T16_03_20Z.curapackage -> Cura 4.4 – Cura 4.13

Drop the curapackage according to your Cura release in the 3d viewport in Cura as if you were opening a 3d model. You will then be prompted to restart Cura.

Quelle: https://github.com/5axes/Calibration-Shapes/releases/tag/V2.1.5

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